Friday 5 June 2009

Over-60s stand firm for Brown

Crazy 48 hours, huh?

Here's a useful tally of those ministers who have resigned, come out for GB, stayed silent since Purnell's resignation last night

***BBC has just reported Hoon has stepped down, as I write***

Not sure how much more of this the Govt can cope with. But with the reshuffle largely complete, GB may be secure, for now. Well, until Monday, if the James Purnell/Phil Collins strategy is vindicated.

Most of the Labour voters I spoke to on the doorstep were none too impressed with the scheming against Brown. Granted, most were women over 60 (94 in one case). But I think they may have a point in their wariness of doing something so impulsive and risky. Things may look bad now, but perhaps a bit of faith is what's required.

***MORE BAD NEWS: Tories take control of Derbyshire County Council***

***MORE BAD NEWS: Tories take control of Lancashire County Council***

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