Friday 9 October 2009

Good to see the Thatcherites are calling the policy shots, Dave

The ads in GoogleMail aren't working - they suggested I join these guys:

Their URL,, keeps making me think of Derek Conway ... Conway for PM? Probably not their intention.

I should probably have heard of a group so influential in the Tory party. Indeed, their website gleefully quotes David Cameron: 'The largest and most effective pressure group in the Conservative Party today', he calls them.

Good to see the Thatcherites are calling the policy shots, Dave. Check out their latest pamphlet, for example, which calls for a cut in corporation tax similar to that proposed by John McCain in the presidential election - 10%. It's written by members of the Taxpayers Alliance.

Let's hope the Tories, currently advocating only a 3% cut, adopt the plan and go the same way as McCain come May.

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